Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Qualities of a Good Business Manager

A good business manager accomplishes the goals and objectives of the company by supervising how the team performs. What this means is that you need to accomplish your supervisory roles effectively and efficiently so that every business management activity performs well. Some of the main qualities of a good business manager are outlined below.

Effective communication with team members

As a good business manager, you are required to maintain effective verbal and non-verbal communication with your team members, as well as fostering positive and effective communication between the team members themselves. You will need to learn the right communication skills to apply when interacting with customers, employees and colleagues. It should be a productive and positive communication. Also ensure that you are more of a listener so that your followers feel confident to talk to you. Additionally, having good written communication skills are crucial for helping to achieve the overall goals of the company.

Team building

You will succeed in your business management if you cultivate a proper team culture throughout the company. The culture should be one that encourages collaboration and allows employees, regardless of levels, to interact and become involved. Employees should be heard and respected by management, and be allowed to contribute in decision making and be recognized in the company.

Performance management

The reason you hired your employees is for them to perform. Effective performance is one that allows for feedback, whether positive or not, to employees as frequently as they need it. Employees need to know whenever they are doing a job well. And, as a business management executive, you have to support and guide employees in the areas where they need to improve.

In short, every employee requires empowerment to carry out their tasks and roles in the organization. Similarly, whenever you highlight a weakness in them, you should let them know in a coaching manner. Assist your employees to improve so that they perform at their best.

A good business manager accepts responsibility

Employees expect you to give them credit for their successes. Unfortunately, what many managers do is blame subordinates whenever anything goes wrong, but does recognize them for the times they perform well.

Delegate duties but not your responsibilities. This way, if a mistake is caused by your omission or commission, you own it. Find a solution and a way forward so that the same issue does not reoccur.

Financial knowledge

You will have to understand the financial aspects surrounding your business and department. Establish financial objectives that align with your profitability goals. You must lead by example, and show respectful concern for the bottom line. There are certainly many aspects to a good manager.

We've all had great ones and not so great ones. Try to emulate those who were effective, and who you were motivated to follow. Also, ask for guidance from another manager higher in the organization whom you respect. Often times, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

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