While filing your taxes may seem straightforward, there are several common pitfalls associated with doing your own taxes. Whether you simply maintain a busy schedule or aren’t sure which benefits and deductions you’re allowed to claim, working with an experienced CPA in Tucson offers several benefits when it’s time to prepare your tax return.
Your Taxes Will Get Done Quickly
Completing your own tax return is a time-consuming process if you are unfamiliar with current tax law; even if you have filed your own taxes before, tax return preparation still takes time out of your schedule. It can be tempting to put off your taxes as well, increasing your risk for late filing and late payment fees. Hiring a tax professional to handle your taxes lets you keep your valuable time for other activities, while also ensuring your taxes will be completed promptly by an experienced CPA well in advance of April 15th. When your taxes are completed and filed more quickly, you can also expect to receive any refunds you may be due more quickly as well, putting your money back in your hands even sooner.
Your Taxes Will Be Correct
Many IRS tax problems are due to mistakes made on tax returns, whether these mistakes are intentional or not. Even minor arithmetic-based mistakes on your taxes can have significant consequences if the IRS catches them. Furthermore, filing for deductions or returns you are not actually eligible to receive can result in additional fees or even an audit. The very best way to avoid IRS tax problems is to turn your tax preparation over to an experienced CPA, who can evaluate your finances and your expenditures correctly and help you receive the maximum deductions or refunds you are due without making costly mistakes.
Tom Scott, CPA is pleased to offer comprehensive accounting services to help you avoid or handle State and Federal tax problems. You can find out more about the benefits of working with a professional CPA and how we can help you find tax debt relief on our website or by calling (800) CPA-4005.
Tom Scott, CPA is pleased to offer comprehensive accounting services to help you avoid or handle State and Federal tax problems. You can find out more about the benefits of working with a professional CPA and how we can help you find tax debt relief on our website or by calling (800) CPA-4005.
Tucson Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Tax Preparation Experts
145 E. University Blvd., Suite 1A
Tucson, AZ 85705
145 E. University Blvd., Suite 1A
Tucson, AZ 85705